The Top Traits To Look For In A Bloodstock Agent

Bloodstock agents are the people who find and purchase the racehorses for their owners. Without them, the world of horse racing would not have existed in the way that it does today. Bloodstock agent is essential to making sure that horses are bred properly, trained well enough to race at top levels, and sent off to races with owners who will provide them with all of the care they need before, during and after their races. This list details some of the most important traits needed by bloodstock agents in order to be successful at what they do:

Communication Skills 

The ability to communicate effectively is a must-have trait for any bloodstock agent. As the go-between between buyer and seller, you must be able to listen to both sides of the story and understand their needs. You'll also need to keep clients informed of progress, whether it's good or bad news on their horse.

In addition, you'll need strong communication skills so that you can convey information in a clear and concise manner--and explain complex issues in simple terms if necessary.

Strong Negotiation Skills 

The agent you choose should be able to negotiate on your behalf, and this is an important skill to have. Negotiating with the seller is one thing, but negotiating with the buyer is another. 

You want someone who can get you a good price for your horse and make sure that it goes to a good home where it will be taken care of properly. Your agent should also be able to negotiate with other agents when they're trying to convince you or someone else of something (for example: "This client wants X amount of money for their horse").

Passion for Horses 

  • Passion for Horses

This is the most important trait you can look for in a bloodstock agent. A good agent will love horses and be passionate about them, but it's also important that they understand the business side of things.

  • Knows What to Look For in a Horse

An excellent bloodstock agent knows how to evaluate a horse and determine its potential as a racehorse or broodmare. They'll have contacts with trainers around the world who can provide valuable insight into what makes each individual horse special and why they might be worth buying.

  • Knows How To Negotiate A Deal

A great bloodstock agent understands horse racing as well as any other sport--and maybe even better than most sports! They know when it's time walk away from a deal because there are too many red flags involved (or if it seems like someone else has already made an offer).


If you're looking to invest in a bloodstock agent, it's important to find someone who fits your needs and has the right skillset. An experienced agent will be able to help you navigate the industry while providing guidance on breeding strategies and marketing plans. If you want someone who can work closely with your team, then look for someone with strong communication skills like those listed above!


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